Wednesday, January 19, 2011


A song for my time in France: Coeur de pirate - Comme des enfants

Train ride from Nancy to Luxembourg. While Antonela is relaxing on her 'bed' it's time to wonder about my trip in France. On my first trip, 2 years ago, I spent some days in Paris and got positively impressed by French people and their life style. With that came questions and doubts. Like, "is Paris a good example of typical France?", "have I met the real France and French people or was I lucky to be on the right time and place to meet the right people and spots?", "how is life out of Paris?".
With the good impression of my first time in Paris this time I decided to explore different places in France.

The Kir is a popular French cocktail that has wine and usually you drink before a meal.
Two French cities. 1 big, 1 small.
For the big the doubt was to choose between Lyon or Marseille? After Paris both cities are the most populous in France.
For the small a city for a different impression. On my plans I considered Montpellier, Grenoble, Nantes, Rennes, Amiens, Lille, Metz, so many options. In the end decided for Nancy in the Lorraine region, very close to my next destination Luxembourg.
The Gauffre 

Impressions that I had couldn't be more positive. A country where people love good food, cheese and wine. Where the quality of life seems to be part of their culture and not something to be dreamed with. Where people love cinema and Woody Allen. Where politic is something talked and discussed by everybody at a high level. An amazing and interesting country with a rich heritage.

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